arts republic recent automata sculpture mosaic/murals workshops

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Wind Sculpture, Heber Primary School, E Dulwich

Made by Arts Republic with artist Polly Pollock.bottle

All 350+ children of Heber School participated in what was a very exciting project. One hundred windmills, two Spirals, Mulberry and Dandelion wind sculptures were all made from fizzy drinks bottles. They now adorn both gates of the school and turn in the wind.
Parents from the PTA gave invaluable help, as did David Block, Head teacher and Tony Falodu, school keeper. The children brought in fizzy drinks (mostly water) bottles and worked on them to produce this project.

Recycled materials used: fizzy drinks bottles, bearings, film canisters, welded steel, fibre glass sphere.

We can produce this project as a whole package or parts of it.

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